08 December 2021
Funding for projects tackling alcohol misuse announced

Five more organisations in Scotland working to tackle alcohol misuse will receive funding from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund.
The projects being supported operate in Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire and Islay work with young people, adults and families to address alcohol misuse by providing education, insights and support.
Dame Joan Stringer, Chair of the Awards Panel for the Scotch Whisky Action Fund said: “We look forward to working with these projects and learning about the impact on the people they reach.”
Karen Betts, Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association said: “We are delighted to be supporting these projects, which are doing vital work with vulnerable people in communities across Scotland. The industry’s support for these and other projects underscores our commitment to help tackle alcohol misuse.”
Lucy O’Donnell, Project Coordinator, Girvan Youth Trust said "The funding from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund will allow for us to retain our two experienced Detached Youth Workers. Their role is to engage with local young people on the streets and deliver a harm reduction approach, especially with regards to underage alcohol consumption and the risk-taking behaviours which can be displayed by young people under the influence. We hope that by positively engaging with the Detached Youth Workers, that there will be a community wide decrease in youth anti-social behaviour where alcohol has been a leading factor."
Zoe Brook - Senior Dramatherapist / Project Lead, Bazooka Arts said, 'We are so excited to have been awarded funding for our project 'Creating Change - alcohol, relationships and me' which was developed with people attending Bazooka Arts therapeutic programmes in North Lanarkshire. It has come from a desire to work in greater depth on the impact alcohol has on relationships and mental health. By using therapeutic arts to do this we will be providing an opportunity for people to explore their own experiences in a safe, supportive environment. The project will culminate in the creation of stories, images and films - that will be used as a springboard for discussion in the wider community.''
Linda Nisbet, Children’s Services Manager for Barnardo’s East Ayrshire service said: “The funding we have been awarded from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund will enable project workers from our children and family team to deliver work in 10 East Ayrshire Primary schools. This will include educating children on healthy lifestyles and the risks of alcohol misuse, social pressures to misuse alcohol and understanding the impact of alcohol on behaviour. The funding will enable us to work alongside and support more than 500 children in the local community on this important issue.”
Notes to editors
For more information, please contact pressoffice@swa.org.uk or call +44 (0)7471 032162
More information on the Scotch Whisky Action Fund awardees can be found overleaf below.
Girvan Youth Trust: StreetLights Initiative: To cover the cost of hiring two youth workers for 12 hours per week for 12 months. The youth workers would spend most of this time out on the streets of Girvan engaging with at-risk young people. Work will take place predominately during evenings after school, however they also work with local schools and deliver some sessions directly to young people in the school environment. The youth workers will provide awareness sessions to those consuming alcohol, as well as discussions and information around the legalities of their practices.
Funding Awarded: £19,335
Bazooka Arts: Creating Change – Alcohol, Relationships, and Me: The project will be based in Coatbridge and will be open to people throughout the Lanarkshire Health Board area. It will deliver a therapeutic programme on the negative impact of alcohol which will also create an adult peer education resource as an outcome.
Funding Awarded: £17,782
Islay Development Initiative: Safe Space Project: The Safe Space project will offer a holistic and all-encompassing suite of activities that look to tackle underlying causes of alcohol misuse, such as social isolation, poverty, and poor family relationships.
Funding Awarded: £14,000
Barnardo’s: CHOICES East Ayrshire Families: CHOICES takes a prevention/early intervention approach to reducing the risk of alcohol-related harm by delivering participatory and innovative activities equipping children with the information they need to develop a responsible attitude towards alcohol.
Funding Awarded: £10,000
Ayrshire Communities Education and Sport (ACES): Alcohol Awareness: ACES intends to build on its awareness raising sessions on young people’s issues which it has delivered with schools, youth groups and football teams by delivering outdoor alcohol awareness sessions.
Funding Awarded: £1,200
The Scotch Whisky Action Fund was established in 2013 by the Scotch Whisky industry. It has made over 70 awards to projects across Scotland working to reduce alcohol-related harm and has disbursed £950,000 in funding to date. The Fund primarily supports small, grassroots projects to help them scale into larger initiatives. The Fund is managed by Foundation Scotland and awards are decided by an independent panel.